
邮  箱:songbaih@pku.edu.cn




2023 –  新2会员登录入口,城市规划与设计学院 助理教授/研究员、博士生导师

2021 – 2023 新2会员登录入口,博雅博士后

2016 – 2021 新2会员登录入口,自然地理学,博士

2012 – 2016 新2会员登录入口,生态学,学士


中国北方植树造林对土壤氮磷循环的影响 博士后创新人才支持计划 2021.7-2023.12主持


10. Anniwaer N., Li X.*, Wang K., Xu H. & Hong S.* Shifts in the trends of vegetation greenness and photosynthesis in different parts of Tibetan Plateau over the past two decades. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 345, 109851 (2024). (* corresponding author)

9. Hong S., Cong N.*, Ding J.*, Piao S., Liu L., Peñuelas J., Chen A., Quine T., Zeng H. & Houlton B. Effects of afforestation on soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation depend on initial soil nitrogen status. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. e2022GB007490 (2023).

8. Hong S., Ding J.*, Kan F., Xu H., Chen S., Yao Y. & Piao S.* Asymmetry of carbon sequestrations by plant and soil after afforestation regulated by soil nitrogen in a temperate region. Nature Communications, 14, 3196 (2023).

Behind the Paper: https://communities.springernature.com/posts/are-biomass-and-soil-carbon-sequestration-symmetric-after-forestation-soil-nitrogen-matters


7. Meng F.#, Hong S.#, Wang J., Chen A., Zhang Y., Zhang Y., Janssens I., Mao J., Myneni R., Peñuelas J. & Piao S.* Climate change increases carbon allocation to leaves in early leaf green-up. Ecology Letters, 26, 5 (2023). (# equal contribution)



6. Zhang Y., Hong S.*, Liu D.* & Piao S. Susceptibility of vegetation low-growth to climate extremes on Tibetan Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 331, 109323 (2023). (* corresponding author)

5. Hong S., Zhang Y., Yao Y., Meng F., Zhao Q. & Zhang Y.* Contrasting temperature effects on the velocity of early- versus late-stage vegetation green-up in the Northern Hemisphere. Global Change Biology, 28(23) (2022).

4. Hong S. & Chen A.* Contrasting responses of soil inorganic carbon to afforestation in acidic versus alkaline soils. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36, e2021GB007038 (2022).

3. Hong S.#, Yin G.#, Piao S.*, Dybzinski R., Cong N., Li X., Wang K., Peñuelas J., Zeng H. & Chen A.* Divergent responses of soil organic carbon to afforestation. Nature Sustainability, 3, 694–700 (2020). (# equal contribution)


2. Hong S., Gan P. & Chen A.* Environmental controls on soil pH in planted forest and its response to nitrogen deposition. Environmental Research, 172: 159-165 (2019).

1. Hong S., Piao S.*, Chen A.*, Liu Y., Liu L., Peng S., Sardans J., Sun Y., Peñuelas J. & Zeng H.* Afforestation neutralizes soil pH. Nature Communications, 9, 520 (2018).



8. Huang Y.#*, Song X.#, Wang Y., Canadell J., Luo Y., Ciais P., Chen A., Hong S., Wang Y., Tao F., Li W., Xu Y., Mirzaeitalarposhti R., Elbasiouny H., Savin I., Shchepashchenko D., Rossel R., Goll D., Chang J., Houlton B., Wu H., Yang F., Feng X., Chen Y., Liu Y., Niu S. & Zhang G.* Size, distribution and vulnerability of the global soil inorganic carbon. Science, 384, 233–239 (2024).

7. Yan Y., Piao S.*, Hammond W., Chen A.*, Hong S., Xu H., Munson S., Myneni R. & Craig A. Pulsed forest tree-mortality events obscured by broad-scale global greening trends. Nature Ecology & Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-024-02372-1 (2024).

6. 朴正刚, 李湘怡*, 徐浩, 王锴, 汤舒畅, 阚飞, 洪松柏. 影响青藏高原植被生产力的极端气候阈值,中国科学: 地球科学, 54 (2024).

5. He M.*, Cui J.*, Zhang Q., Li L., Huang L. & Hong S. Unraveling the Role of Vegetation CO2 Physiological Forcing on Climate Zone Shifts in China. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107826 (2024).

4. Wang X.*, Gao Y., Jeong S., Ito A., Bastos A., Poulter B., Wang Y., Ciais P., Tian H., Yuan W., Chandra N., Chevallier F., Fan L., Hong S., Lauerwald R., Li W., Lin Z., Pan N., Patra P., Peng S., Ran L., Sang Y., Sitch S., Takashi M., Thompson R., Wang C., Wang K., Wang T., Xi Y., Xu L., Yan Y., Yun J., Zhang Y., Zhang Y., Zhang Z., Zheng B., Zhou F., Tao S., Canadell J. & Piao S. The Greenhouse Gas Budget of Terrestrial Ecosystems in East Asia Since 2000. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38, e2023GB007865 (2024).

3. Sun M., Li X.*, Xu H., Wang K., Anniwaer N. & Hong S. Drought thresholds that impact vegetation reveal the divergent responses of vegetation growth to drought across China. Global Change Biology, 00: e16998 (2023).

2. Wang X.*, Gao Y., Wang K., Sang Y., Wang Y., Zhang Y., Hong S., Zhang Y. & Yuan W. The greenhouse gas budget for China’s terrestrial ecosystems. National Science Review, 10, nwad274 (2023).

1. Zhang Y., Hong S., Liu Q.*, Huntingford C., Peñuelas J., Rossi S., Myneni R. & Piao S.* Autumn canopy senescence has slowed down with global warming since the 1980s in the Northern Hemisphere. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 173 (2023).


Journal of Plant Ecology 编委 2024-

期刊审稿:Global Change Biology, Science Bulletin, Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, Global and Planetary Change, Catena