
邮  箱:tsql@pku.edu.cn


1. 交通公平与交通相关社会排斥

2. 交通治理与政策制定

3. 交通文化与心理

4. 新出行服务和非正式交通




2014.08-2015.08, 布莱京理工学院,可持续发展与领导力,MSc

2008.09-2012.06, 东南大学,道路桥梁与渡河工程,学士



2017.01-2019.12,欧盟,Horizon 2020项目,AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things (AUTOPILOT),结题,参与

2013.05-2018.05,RCUK,The Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand Sponsor (DEMAND),结题,参与

2012.06-2015.06,瑞典能源署/欧盟,重点项目,GreenCharge Sydost – elfordon i småstadsregioner,结题,子课题主持


Liu, Q. (2022). Public Acceptability of Congestion Charging in China. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore

Liu, Q., Liu, Z., An, Z., Zhao, P., & Zhao, D. (2022). A modal shift due to a free within-destination tourist bus scheme: Multimodality and transport equity implications. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 100863.

Liu, Q., Liu, Z., Kang, T., Zhu, L., & Zhao, P. (2022). Transport Inequities Through the Lens of Environmental Racism: Rural-urban Migrants Under Covid-19. Transport Policy, 122, 26-38.

Liu, Q., Liu, Z., Lin, S., & Zhao, P. (2022). Perceived accessibility and mental health consequences of COVID-19 containment policies. Journal of Transport & Health, 25, 101354.

Liu, Q. (2022). Immobility: Surviving the COVID-19 Outbreak. In Human Security in China (pp. 133-154). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Liu, Z., Liu, Q., Zhao, P., Tang, J., & Gong, Z. (2022). Investigating access to periodic markets in rural China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 103, 103162.

Liu, Q., Liu, Y., Zhang, C., An, Z., & Zhao, P. (2021). Elderly mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative exploration in Kunming, China. Journal of Transport Geography, 96, 103176.

Liu, Q., An, Z., Liu, Y., Ying, W., & Zhao, P. (2021). Smartphone-based services, perceived accessibility, and transport inequity during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-lagged panel study. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 97, 102941.

Liu, Q., Lucas, K., Marsden, G. (2020). Public acceptability of congestion charging in Beijing, China: How transferrable are Western ideas of public acceptability?. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15 (2), 97–110.

Liu, Q., Lucas K., Marsden, G., Liu, Y. (2019). Egalitarianism and public perception of social inequities: A case study of Beijing congestion charge. Transport Policy. 74, 47-62


ICTH 2021 青年学者最佳论文奖

International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 2020高被引论文奖


联合国秘书长在联合国大会全体会议的报告引用:Extreme poverty and human rights: note / by the Secretary-General2020107日)

欧盟白皮书引用:Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020Strong Social Europe for Just Transitions

World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) 治理和决策委员会(G1)和文化和社会问题委员会(G4)委员

Transportation Research Board (TRB) 交通公平常务委员会(AME10)和发展中国家常务委员会(AME40会员