
邮  箱:mengzhu.zhang@pku.edu.cn


1. 社会地理计算与空间治理

2. 大数据挖掘与政策评估

3. 大数据驱动的城市与区域研究

4. 人文地理学前沿理论


1. 2023-今,新2会员登录入口城市规划与设计学院,研究员、助理教授、博士生导师

2. 2022-2023,香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系,博士后

3. 2015-2016,世界银行集团,高级研究助理

4. 2017-2021,香港大学,城市研究与规划,博士

5. 2014-2017,新2会员登录入口, 地理学(城市与区域规划),硕士

6. 2009-2014,中山大学,城市规划学,学士


1. 人文地理专题讨论

2. 城市治理与管理


1. 2023-2025,我国新拆迁安置政策的社会空间效应评估:基于多源时空大数据的新方法,教育部人文社科研究基金青年项目,主持

2. 2024-2026,基础教育资源均等化配置政策的社会空间效应评估:基于流动性视角,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持

3. 2024-2026,粤港澳大湾区多尺度地方创新比较优势评估,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,主持

4. 2022-2026,基于大数据的海-陆资源流动机制与模拟研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 核心参与人员

5. 2022-2027,交通碳足迹全因子监测与模拟预警技术,深圳市科技与创新委员会孔雀团队项目,核心参与人员,

6. 2022-2024,中国大数据产业导向的城市发展机制及其社会空间后果,香港研究资助局面上项目,参与

7. 2020-2021, 中国城市基础教育资源市场化过程、机制及其社会空间后果,林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心研究基金,主持

8. 2016-2018,美国林肯土地政策中心:国家主导的金融化下中国城市更新政策与实践转型,参与

9. 2019-2022,中国城市低收入住房发展机制及其综合效应研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与

10. 2016-2019, 特大城市职住平衡与交通相互作用的时空特征及其机制研究:以北京为例,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与

11. 2015-2017, 智能交通设施的性别影响评估研究,世界银行性别公平研究基金,参与,

12. 2014-2015,国家“十三五”前期重点研究课题: 城镇化对能源消耗的影响2015-2050, 参与


1. SCI期刊Heliyon Urban Development主编,2024-今

2. SCI期刊Heliyon Politics and Society副主编,2022-2024

3. 《地域研究与开发》期刊编委

4. SSCI期刊Journal of Transport Geography客座编辑,2023-今

5.  SSCI期刊Transportation Research Part D客座编辑,2023-今

6.  ESCI期刊Asian Geographer客座编辑,2023-今

7. 广东省地理学会常务理事,2024-今

8. 中国城市规划学会小城镇规划学术委员会青年委员,2023-今

9. Wiley出版社高被引论文奖,2021

10. 香港中文大学优配研究员基金,2022

11. 美国地理学家协会会(AAG)中国地理组最佳论文通讯评委,2022


1. Zhang, M*. (2023). The hypermobile and the rest: capital conversion and inclusion/exclusion in an emerging student migration in China. Mobilities, 1-23.

2.Zhang, M*, Luo, Z., Qiao, S., & Yeh, A. G. O. (2023). Financialization, platform economy and urban rental housing: Evidence from Chengdu, China. Applied Geography, 156, 102993.

3.Zhang, M.,& Liu, Y.* (2023). Global Financial Networks, Municipal Offshore Financing and State-sponsored City-regional development: A Case of China. Regional Studies. 1-17.

4. Qiao, S., Zhang, M.,* & Yeh, AGO. (2023). Mind the Gender Gap in Ride-hailing from the Demand Side. Journal of Transport Geography, 107(103531)

5. Zhang, M., & Wen T*. (2022). The Rise of Chengdu between Geopolitics and Geoeconomics: City-regional development under the Belt and Road Initiative and Beyond. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47(4), 971-989.

6.Zhang, M., Qiao, S.,* Yeh, AGO. (2022). Disamenity Effects of Displaced Villagers’ Resettlement Community on Housing Price in China and Implication for Sociospatial Segregation. Applied Geography, 142(102681).

7.Zhang, M.* (2022). School Regime Restructuring in Urban China: From Archetypal to Multi-scale and Variegated Political–Economic Embeddedness. Environment and Planning A.

8. Zhang, M.* (2022). New Urban Politics as Post-politics of Schooling Marketisation and Distribution in Entrepreneurial Chinese Cities. Urban Geography.

9.Zhang, M., & Yan, X.* (2022). Does Informal Homeownership Reshape Skilled Migrants’ Settlement Intention? Evidence from Beijing and Shenzhen. Habitat International. 119 (102495).

10.Zhang, M.* (2021). Social Capital and Perceived Tenure Security of Informal Housing: Evidence from Beijing, China. Urban Studies, 59(12).

11. Zhang, M., Qiao, S.,* Yeh, AGO. (2021). Blemish of Place: Territorial Stigmatization and the Depreciation of Displaced Villagers’ Resettlement Houses in Chengdu, China. Cities, 117(103330).

12.Zhang, M., & Zhao, P.* (2021). Literature Review on Urban Transport Equity in Transitional China: From Empirical Studies to Universal Knowledge. Journal of Transport Geography. 96(103177)

13. Zhang, M., Zhao, P.,* & Tong, X. (2021). Constructing Women's Immobility: Fear of Violence and Women’s Constricted Nocturnal Travel Behaviour. Travel Behaviour and Society, 26: 178-192.

14. Zhang, M., Qiao, S., & Yan, X.* (2021). The Secondary Circuit of Capital and the Making of the Suburban Property Boom in Postcrisis Chinese Cities. Environment and Planning A, 53(6): 1331-1355.

15. Zhang, M., & He S.* (2020). From Dissensus to Consensus: State Rescaling and Modalities of Power under the Belt and Road Initiative in Western China. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111(5), 1519-1538.

16. Zhang, M., & He, S.* (2020). Informal Property Rights as Relational and Functional: Unraveling Relational Contract in China’s Informal Housing Market. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44(6),167-188.

17. He, S.,* Zhang, M., & Wei, Z. (2020). The State Project of Crisis Management: China’s Shantytown Redevelopment Schemes under State-led Financialization. Environment and Planning A, 5(3), 23-32.

18. Qiao, S., Yeh, AGO., & Zhang, M.* (2020). Capitalization of Accessibility to Dockless Bike Sharing in Housing Rentals: Evidence from Beijing. Transportation Research Part D, 90(102640).

19. Qiao, S., Yeh, A. G. O., & Zhang, M.* (2020). Effects of State-led Suburbanization on Traffic Crash Density in China: Evidence from the City Proper of Chengdu. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 148(105775).

20.Zhang, M., & He, S.* (2020). Who Feel Secured on Customary Tenure and Why: A Triangular Framework for China’s Small Property Rights Housing. Cities, 107(102900).

21.Zhang, M., Zhao, P., & Qiao, S.* (2020). Smartness-induced Transport Inequality: Privacy Concern, Lacking Knowledge of Smartphone Use and Unequal Access to Transport Information. Transport Policy, 99, 175-185.

22. Zhang, M., & Zhao, P.* (2018). The Determinants of Informal Housing Price in Beijing: Village Power, Informal Institutions, and Property Security. Cities, 77, 117-129.
23.Zhang, M., He, S., & Zhao, P.* (2018). Revisiting Inequalities in the Commuting Burden: Institutional Constraints and Job-housing Relationships in Beijing. Journal of Transport Geography, 71, 58-71.

24. Zhang, M., & Zhao, P.* (2017). The Impact of Land-use Mix on Residents’Travel Energy Consumption: New Evidence from Beijing. Transportation Research Part D, 57, 224-236.