
电  话: 0755-26035585
邮  箱:zengh@pkusz.edu.cn


1. 景观生态学及宏观资源环境科学
2. 景观与区域生态风险评估
3. 城市与区域生态规划及生态修复技术


1. 2009.9-现在,新2会员登录入口城市规划与设计学院教授,新2会员登录入口城市与环境学院生态学系教授
2. 2005.8-2009.9,新2会员登录入口环境与城市学院教授,新2会员登录入口城市与环境学院生态学系教授
3. 2003.3-2003.5,美国Texas A&M大学地理系访问学者
4. 2002.6-2005.8,新2会员登录入口环境学院生态学系副教授
5. 1996.7-2002.6,新2会员登录入口城市与环境学系副教授
6. 1991.7-1996.7,新2会员登录入口城市与环境学系讲师
7. 1989.8-1991.7,新2会员登录入口城市与环境学系助教

1. 1995.9-1999.7,新2会员登录入口城市与环境学系自然地理专业,博士
2. 1986.9-1989.7,新2会员登录入口环境科学中心环境地学专业,硕士
3. 1982.9-1986.7,新2会员登录入口地理系自然地理专业,学士


1. 景观生态学
2. 科技论文写作



1. 人类活动对海岸带生态影响机制及综合调控研究,国家重点研发计划重点专项,2017/7-2020/12,课题负责人
2. 全球变化对中国典型草地生态过程的影响及生态环境效应,973计划,2012/9-2017/9,骨干
3. 中国陆地植被的时空格局与生态功能,国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,2011/3-2016/3,骨干
4. 茅洲河流域有机污染物的多介质环境行为研究,深圳市科技计划,2013/1-2014/12, 主持
5. 基于新型两段式生物质气化工艺的关键科学问题及残渣综合利用技
6. 术研究,深圳市科技计划,2012/8-2014/7,主持
7. 深圳市生态科技体系规划,深圳市科技计划,2009/10-2010/4,主持
8. 海口市南部火山玄武岩台地区资源开发管控与生态修复规划,甲方:海口市城市与建设投资有限公司,2017/3-2018/5,主持
9. 湛江市南三岛海岛生态修复规划项目,甲方:湛江市城市规划局,2017/1-2018/12,主持
10. 青岛市市北区海晶化工原厂址环境调查评估,甲方:青岛万毅执业有限公司,2016/5-2018/12,主持


1. Songbai Hong,Shilong Piao†,Anping Chen†,Yongwen Liu,Lingli Liu,Shushi Peng,Jordi Sardans,Yan Sun,Josep Peñuelas,Hui Zeng†. Afforestation neutralizes soil pH. Nature Communications,2018,9(1),520-523
2. Xiaodong Yao, Naili Zhang, Hui Zeng†, Wang Wei†. Effects of soil depth and plant-soil interaction on microbial community in temperate grasslands of northern China. Science of the Total Environment,2018,630,96–102
3. Di Zhang,Jun-Jian Wang,Hong-Gang Ni,Hui Zeng†. Spatial-temporal and Multi-media Variations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Highly Urbanized River System from South China. Science of the Total Environment,2017,581-582:621-628
4. Zhang Di, Wang Junjian, Zeng Hui†. Soil Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons across Urban Density Zones in Shenzhen, China: Occurrences, Source Apportionments, and Spatial Risk Assessment. Pedosphere,2016,26(5):676-686
5. Xiran Li, Zaichun Zhu, Hui Zeng†, Shilong Piao. Estimation of gross primary productivity in China (1982 - 2010) with multiple ecosystem models. Ecological Modelling,2016, 324:33-44
6. Wang Jun, Ling Zhiwei, Wang Yang, Zeng Hui†. Improving Spatial Representation of Soil Moisture by Integration of Microwave Observations and the Temperature-Vegetation-Drought Index Derived from MODIS Products. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,113(2016):144-154
7. Le Li, M. Luke McCormack, Chengen Ma, Deliang Kong, Qian Zhang, Xiaoyong Chen, Hui Zeng†, Ülo Niinemets & Dali Guo†. Leaf economics and hydraulic traits are decoupled in five species-rich tropical-subtropical forests. Ecology Letter,2015,18:899-906
8. Zheng-Xia Chen, Ni Honggang, Jing Xin, Wen-Jing Chang, Jian-Lin Sun, and Hui Zeng†. Plant uptake, translocation, and return of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons via fine root branch orders in a subtropical forest ecosystem. Chemosphere, 2015,131:192-200
9. Xiong Yanmei, Zeng Hui†, Xia Hanping, Guo Dali. Interactions between leaf litter and soil organic matter on carbon and nitrogen mineralization in six forest litter-soil systems. Plant and Soil,2014,379:217-229
10. Ying-Ying Guo, Jun-Jian Wang, De-Liang Kong, Dali Guo, Wang Yanbing, Xie Qinglong, Yang-Sheng Liu, Hui Zeng†. Fine root branch orders contribute differentially to uptake, allocation and return of potentially toxic metals. Environmental Science & Technology,2013, 47, 11465-11472.
11. Shushi Peng, Shilong Piao†, Philippe Ciais, Ranga B Myneni, Anping Chen, Frederic Chevallier, Albertus J. Dolman, Ivan A. Janssens, Josep Peñuelas, Gengxin Zhang, Sara Vicca, Shiqiang Wan, Shiping Wang, and Hui Zeng†. Asymmetric effects of day and night-time warming on Northern Hemispheric vegetation. Nature,2013,501 (7465):88~92


1. 2015年度全国优秀城乡规划设计奖(城乡规划类)一等奖(排名4/15)
2. 2015年度广东省优秀城乡规划设计项目一等奖(排名4/15)
3. 2013年度全国优秀城乡规划设计奖(城乡规划类)一等奖(排名5/14)
4. 2013年获广东省城乡规划设计优秀项目一等奖(排名5/14)
5. 2011年度全国优秀城乡规划设计奖(城乡规划类)一等奖(排名4/15)